In a little more than a week, I leave for Germany. I had a nightmare last night that I missed my flight, because I was sitting in the airport and did not realize it was passed the time that my flight left. I really do not need any more anxiety about my trip. I feel like with exams it was hard to get my head wrapped around the idea that I really am leaving... I already had so much on my mind about finals and Christmas.
Now since I have a little down time, I feel all of these emotions about leaving. I am scared and I wish I could clone myself so I could enjoy the best of both worlds. But, I know this is probably like an opportunity of a lifetime and I will regret not going for the rest of my life. So I think that means that I have to go...I am just so scared of being disconnected from all of the people I love. I have a total fear of being alone or at least feeling alone.