Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Secret life of Alicia 22 year old...

I'm doubting anyone reads this but it is nice to write thoughts out. Almost 2 weeks ago, I turned 22. Thursday before my birthday was spent hanging out with my friend Katie at my apartment. We played cards, drank and sang Wicked until our hearts content. Friday night I drove home to Adrian and went out to dinner with my family at Golden Wok. It was a lot of fun and I got a million cards with money so that is always good. Saturday I woke up early and got on a train in Jackson to go to Kalamazoo to visit my boyfriend James. I got there around 10:30. First we went to Qudoba and got burritos. It was pouring down rain the whole weekend. The rest of the time was spent watching movies, playing video games and just spending quality time with each other.
School has been pretty interesting. I am learning more about my favorite subjects (culture, German, geography, and politics. This past weekend I spent a lot of time with my friend Katie we went shopping, to the UT football game (lame), and we went walking at one of Toledo's metro parks. It was amazing it reminded me of parks around home walking with friends all summer.
This weekend my sister is coming to Toledo friday to go out to lunch and shopping with me. After shopping, I will be going home to Adrian to celebrate James' 23 birthday on the 28th. I hope to spend a lot of time with him and I miss my family even though it's only been like 2 weeks.

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