Sunday, December 14, 2008

And it's been awhile...

So it's been since September that I have blogged on here. Next week is my last week of classes. I have 3 exams and Thursday I will be home for a month. I am definitely looking forward to getting to spend some time with the people I care about. It seems like every weekend I have came home I have been so busy, so it will be nice to have some time. Since September not a lot has changed. I had a really nice Thanksgiving with James' and my family and I just have good feelings about this semester and the next one to come. I have been so happy this school year. I go to school during the week, come home on the weekends and spend time with my boyfriend, friends and family.
This month has been nice so far. I have done decorating at my apartment for Christmas and also helped my sister decorate at her place. I have not finished my shopping yet but I figure once break begins I will have some time to shop.

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