Saturday, August 16, 2008

New at this but hopefully it will only get better from here...

I'm awake...
I went to my first real live auction yesterday. It was exciting bidding on random boxes of ceramic cats and Japanese sake sets. I ended up getting the sake set, a oriental tea pot and an array of cats statues. My friends are going to be scared.Tomorrow technically today will be a day of back-straining work because I decided to also buy a oak wood dresser, a canary yellow desk , and a dark wood dining room table for my apartment all together costing thirty-one dollars which I believe is a steal .
I will be toting all of this jazz to my apartment tomorrow morning. My sister agreed to help move all of the heavy stuff up my three flights of stairs :) she loves me. I believe all of this crap is going to make my black, gold and beige apartment a little more homey.
Currently, I'm listening to the most amazing CD my friend Aimee made for me out of pure thoughtfulness. I'm thinking about how I'm excited for tomorrow but not excited that it will be less than a week until I go back to Toledo. I am going to miss this summer. It was full of days that were amazing, hard, and days that were plain peaceful laziness. This upcoming weekend will be the last "big" event for me before school starts. The German-American festival starts Friday. I hope to have a nice evening there with my boyfriend.

1 comment:

Sparkle Aimee said...

I'm so glad you are blogging and enjoying your CD. I miss you already and can't wait for you to see our place.